The MXD Vision

This is our masterplan

HONE Total STR >>>

SOL Modular >>>

MXD Interplanetary

HONE Total STR >>>

Why did we create HONE? Because most design sucks. You experience this everyday, from sitting on a chair to opening a door. You know when you experience great design, it just feels right. We believe it can even change your life.

HONE is about experiences of honestly great design and making them available to more people. So how do we do that? How do we scale thoughtful designed experiences?

Tiny Homes; home design honed down to it’s fundamentals. With tiny homes we can design every element, vertically integrate the design and construction, and manufacture with high quality. But how do we incentivize building with maximum focus of great design at the same time as minimizing costs?

Total STR; Tiny homes as short-term rental investment assets. With the program focused on creating tiny home experiences that offer the largest profits for the lowest investment cost we can create the right incentives for growth. Which takes us to the next step; SOL.

SOL Modular >>>

If HONE is a success then SOL is the next step. SOL is about real solutions that are genuine, powerful, and sustainable. Solutions for homes that are great and affordable for everyone.

With HONE’s success we will have a working tiny home production line, expertise in innovative building, and the manufacturing facilities and equipment to build real modular homes at scale.

The modular building challenge: Market Demand and Massive Investment Needed.

Building modular homes that people actually want and developers can buy into is a real issue. Real modular homes are not available, how can we know if people will buy? (real modular = all home aspects are prebuilt into each module). The fact is; it’s crazy to start manufacturing millions of dollars worth of homes without an existing market demand. If the investment fails the cost is too high.

This is why HONE is essential; it gives an initial market and takes away much of the investment cost.

MXD Interplanetary

Why did we do any of this? Well the wide spread of excellent design of course. We’d like to be the leader in innovative great design that isn’t held back by poor home building practices.

We intend to be the Apple or Tesla of the home and living products market and blow away the likes of Ikea.

Products that can be affordable but not cheap, great but not luxuries. Good design that everyone has access to.

Our homes can be the testing and staging grounds for real people to experience the design innovations. By having the opportunity to make our products to just fit in the context of one of our specially designed homes we can experiment and innovate like no one else could. We’ve already seen just this in our previous building projects and we’re brimming with excitement to see what the future of design holds!

“To Create Experiences For People That Are Honest, Innovative, And Truly Great.”

Our Goals & Timeline

Updated Sept. 14, 2024


  • First Sale

  • Launch of Total STR Program

  • Launch of HONE Basic

This year we made our first sale (photos of the build coming!). We made the sale after attending the Toronto Affordable Housing Summit. We were the only tiny home that made it to the show, which attracted quite a bit of interest.

By the end of 2024 we will have launch our new program HONE Total STR, which highlights our renewed focus on the short-term rental side of MXD. We want to sell tiny homes for vacation rentals only and the new program enables that focus. Total STR is about buying a complete investment package (not a tiny home).

A key piece of feedback over the last year has been around the price. $140-150k is not low enough compared to an RV. This is also evidenced by the many tiny home builders that are going out of business, taking a new business model, or slashing prices. So we decided to re-prioritize designing our lowest cost tiny home; the HONE Basic. This model will have a price tag of $99k. This price point is more attractive for investors and the perfect pair for the Total STR program!


  • 10 Tiny Homes Built

  • 5 Total T1 STR Projects

  • Launch of HONE Luxe

  • Events

From now to the end of 2025 MXD intends on building 10 tiny homes, 5 HONE Basic, 5 HONE Upgraded. Early 2025 we will update the Upgraded model to a size that can accommodate 4 occupants comfortably. Late 2025 we will launch the HONE Luxe; a totally luxury tiny home at a higher price point.

During 2025 we intend on launching 5 Tier 1 Split Ownership Total STR Projects. We’re excited to see how the Total STR program can make a difference for our members!

In 2025 we plan to show at several events and participate at events related to affordable housing and investment. This would include the 2025 Affordable Housing Summit and Keyspire Investors Summit. We also plan to hold our own events centered around housing innovations and bringing together the critical groups and individuals that can make a difference.


  • HONE First Step Towards Scale

  • Total STR Starts to Grow a Network

  • Building ~50 Units Annually

In anticipation of scaling up MXD will create three teams. First the Production Team; who will focus on efficiently building the highest quality tiny homes. This includes managing building processes, systems, subcontractors, equipment, and facilities.

Second, the Total STR Team will be focused on lead generation and closing deals. They manage the Total STR program and facilitate investors into through it. They manage leads, including the Total STR community and network.

Finally is the Innovation Team. This team is focused on the future and the improvement of MXD; included are the designers who plan the tiny homes and those who engineer innovation in the production systems.


Once HONE begins to hit the production capacity of around 600 units we will have likely dominated the local market for tiny homes in the short-term rental niche. At this time we will do an analyses of the market to determine if it’s the right time to step into the long-term living market. Our estimation is that within 5 years the market for tiny homes and ADU’s will have grown and stabilized. At this point we may also look to expand the business to all of Canada and the United States.

  • HONE Scaled Up

  • Total STR is Largest in the Industry

  • Begin SOL Modular Building

  • Building ~600 Units Annually


  • MXD at Real Scaled Manufacturing

  • HONE Tiny Home Resorts and Hotels Across North America

  • SOL Modular is One of Largest Canadian Producers of Housing Units

  • Building ~10,000 Units Annually

Our goal is to reach the same scale that Tesla did within a 10 year timeframe. In 2013 after 10 years of existence Tesla built 22,477 cars in the year. Recognizing that housing units are larger and can be more costly to build than a car we’ve divided the 2013 production statistic by the price difference ($126,900 for a Model S vs $275,000 for a modern housing unit) to get about 10,000 units per year. Based on current home developer production capacity this amount of units would make MXD the largest housing producer in Ontario.

Is this enough to make a difference for the Canadian housing market? Potentially. The targets that the Ontario government have set for 2031 will definitely not be met, but may be possible for 2035 if we are successful.

To meet the targets that are set, the Ontario home industry will need to improve production by 40,000/yr above expected. If MXD produces 10,000/yr that would make up 1/4 of the needed uplift and we hope that our success will inspire other builders to compete and create the remaining difference.

Below see a chart of our target production growth

Our Vision in The Logo


Truth is fundamental. Our design and practices are always honest.


Time is our most valuable resource. We take action and can’t be slowed down.


First principles thinking is essential. We ask “why” and experiment to move towards better.

MonX Design is the cannon that will launch the world into the next generation of design. Our logo represents our complete vision: like the barrel of a gun in the middle of ignition, aimed for the sky. The colors represent our core values and their degree of importance.